With years of schooling and experience we put an emphasis on not only the quality of the services we provide but the knowledge behind them as well.

Soundness, health, or well-being in body, mind, soul, or spirit. A sense of contentment, wholeness, and harmony.



We believe that no one should come into a service with any unanswered questions. Find our answers to the most asked questions below.

Cryotherapy FAQ’s

Is Cryotherapy Cold?

Yes, it's cold. But everyone has their own tolerance level and can move at your pace and comfort level. 

How Does Cryotherapy Work?

Localized cryotherapy focuses on a targeted area of pain rather than the whole body.  Our trained physical therapist uses a controlled beam of vaporized CO2 to engulf the area of discomfort. Essentially an icepack on steroids.  This service lasts 2-4 minutes total and improves microcirculation providing increased oxygenated and enriched blood flow to improve recovery, decrease inflammation, and immediate pain relief. During cryotherapy for pain, we will typically complete additional soft tissue work and discuss beneficial exercises.

Am I Too Young Or Too Old?

We will accept clients from 12-17 with guardian waiver and accept clients of all ages, however, will take into consideration frailty of skin, underlying coagulation issues, and will adjust treatment accordingly to ensure safety

How Does Cryocontouring Work?

Also known as cryolipolysis.  The skin temperature is cooled to 28-39 degrees, permanently destroying underlying fat cells (apoptosis) and are then cleared through the lymphatic system. Treatment area will be exposed to 30-90 seconds of vapor using freeze-thaw method and stimulating thermal shock until all are areas for treatment are exposed. Lymphatic clearance techniques are included to aide the lymphatic system in clearing cellular debris, inflammation, and bloating. Each session length is 45 minutes and a series of 6 is typically recommend, although all bodies are different; some benefit from fewer sessions and some a few more. This non-invasive treatment is effective and has no downtime. Results are maximized with healthy lifestyle of nutritious food, consistent movement, and hydration.

How Long Does It Take To See Results?

Some people can achieve 1" loss in the first session, but typically results take 3 weeks to develop.  It is worth noting as well that results are not guaranteed.

How Long Do Results Last?

CryoContouring results are a permanent, non-invasive loss of fat cells in the targeted area. Results are permanent as long as health and wellness are maintained and results can continue to develop for up to 6 months after.

What Is The Aftercare Of Cryocontouring?

For optimal cryocontouring results, continue hydration, movement, and nutritious diet. Applying aloe as needed is beneficial as well.

Who Should Avoid Cryotherapy?

The following are contraindications to cryotherapy: pregnancy, heart disease, uncontrolled blood pressure, Raynaud syndrome.

What Are Contraindications?

Cryoglobulinemia, cold hemaglutinin or cold hemolysis, cold-induced itching, cancer diagnosis in last 6 months, pregnancy, impaired arterial blood flood, Raynaud’s Disease, severe sensory disorders, trophic disorders, hypersensitivity to cold, blood disorders related to coagulation, vasculitis, peripheral artery disease, chronic venous insufficiency, post-thromboticdisorders, microvascular dysfunction including diabetes, polyneuropathy, deficient kidney or liver function, open wounds or broken skin, sunburn/frostbite, Botox or fillers 2 weeks prior, anemia, or any other condition where cold vapor may cause harm.

Lymphatics FAQ’s

What Is Lymphatics?

Our lymphatic system is one of eleven organ systems in your body, and often the unsung hero of our wellness. The primary functions of our lymphatic system include maintaining fluid balance in the body, a role in our digestive health, immune function, and waste management of our cells.

What Is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a technique developed by the Vodders in the 1930’s in Europe. MLD is a gentle, light, rhythmic skin stretching massage that promotes movement of lymphatic fluid with a focus on lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels. The hands-on approach and strokes of manual lymphatic drainage are grounded in science and physiology. The use of deep breathing and abdominal treatment is used for deep lymphatic pathways and utilizes skin on skin for sensory input and calming effect. This is different than a “typical massage” as we are focusing on a gentle pressure, but effective modality to mobilize fluids. The goal of MLD is to reduce inflammation, swelling, pain, and improve immune system function.   

What Does This Improve?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the ideal therapeutic choice to mend overall health and wellness but also support those who desire to thrive in their health. Post-operative Manual Lymphatic Drainage is also complementary to orthopedic or dental surgery, plastic surgery procedures, recovery from childbirth, or those experiencing inflammation or autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, and relieve bloating and puffiness. It can also be helpful to breastfeeding moms to unclog milk ducts. Regardless of the condition, the goal is to get you looking and feeling better!

Pre-surgical MLD is ideal while prepping for a surgery to reduce the onset of edema as we are increasing the rate of lymphatic mobility and helping to reduce post-operative swelling following most types of surgery. Please note for post-operative care I will always contact your surgeon for timeline to begin and precautions regarding your procedure as I strongly believe in working as a continuum and team.

What Is The Process?

We will discuss any symptoms, questions, and relevant history.  MLD is most effective with skin to skin contact and will drape as indicated.  There will be a portion of breast clearance done over sheet and/or hand to hand pending your comfort. Session time is 30-60 minutes and time will be adjusted according to your needs.

Most people feel lighter and relaxed after sessions, however, some people feel a little cruddy after. The lymphatic system pulls things out of tissues that may be contributing to our symptoms and may result in a short-term detoxification reaction which include headaches, body aches, sore throat, and fatigue. Make sure to drink lots of water, electrolytes, consider adding a binder, and movement to make the most of your MLD session. I do try to adjust session length to minimize some of the detox symptoms.

What Are Contraindications To Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

MLD is generally considered safe, but there are some situations where increasing your lymph flow may not be safe.

These ABSOLUTE contraindications include: acute infections (cellulitis, active fever, bacterial), Congestive Heart Failure, Renal failure, Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis

Relative Contraindications/Precautions- Active Cancer (will discuss with your physician prior), post-partum, Recent abdominal surgery, Plaque in carotid area of neck, cardiac arrythmia, hyperthyroidism, abdominal aortic aneurysm, unexplained pain, Crohn’s disease, pregnancy
For post-operative (including C-section) Manual Lymphatic Drainage, I will contact your surgeon regarding your individual precautions and timelines to begin.

Red Light FAQ’s

What Is Red Light Therapy?

Red light therapy is the application of low levels of light within certain parameters for therapeutic purposes. Light Emitting Diode (LED) therapy is a non-invasive therapy that offers both immediate and cumulative effects without damaging effects of UV. Red and Infared light uses wavelengths in 600-1100 range to stimulate cells for higher function, healing, and tissue repair through increasing energy production within the cell.

What Brand Of Light Do You Use?

We use LightStim Pro.  This is manufactured in the USA and FDA cleared. Clinical studies have indicated 100% of clients have noticed an improvement with use.

Can I Purchase This For Home?

Yes, we are a preferred vendor of LightStim Pro and sell handheld devices below retail value. We sell both pain, acne, and anti-aging red light devices. 

What Are Contraindications?

  • Sensitivity to light/migraines brought on by bright light

  • Use of photosensitizing drugs such as Lithium, melatonin, phenothiazine antipsychotics, and certain antibiotics

  • Melasma or hyperpigmentation exacerbated by mild warmth

  • Do not apply products that should be exposed to mild warmth prior to LightStim+ treatment

  • Accutane should be discontinued for 6 months in advance of treatment

  • Clients who are pregnant must seek approval from a medical professional

  • Clients with suspicious lesions or skin cancers should consult a medical professional

  • Clients who are being treated for any of serious health condition should seek approval from medical professional before undergoing LED therapy

Facial Sculpted Technique & Stretching FAQ’s

What Does Facial Sculptural Technique Do?

Facial Sculptural Technique is like going to the gym for your face.  This technique lifts and tone muscles by alternating between strengthening and relaxing movements.  Since our face literally displays our emotions, it can also aid in the elimination of emotional roadblocks and help cope with stress through somatic input.  Stimulating the facial muscles also encourages oxygen and blood supply and creates increased muscle awareness.  This holistic approach appreciates the relationship between lymphatics, circulatory, immune system, and nervous system role in your health. Facial Sculpting session include a series of lifting and toning muscles of the face, intraoral releases, scalp massage, localized cryotherapy, and The Reset.

What Are The Contraindications Of Facial Sculpted Technique?

  • Pregnancy

  • Cancer

  • Oral herpes/fever/blister

  • Oral cavity disease/Gingivitis

  • Periodontal Disease

  • Cold/Flu/COVID-19

  • Any infectious disease

  • Acute respiratory distress

  • Severe respiratory syndrome

  • Lymphatic System irregularities of face

  • Fever

  • Skin disease, open facial wound

  • Thyroid disease

  • Sunburn on chest, neck, face

  • Unhealed chemical peel

Why Should I Stretch?

1:1 sessions are designed to help you meet the individual needs of your body as well as explore your movements through the lens of fascia.  Assisted-stretching serves as a functional source of self-care to better isolate your muscles, focus on certain areas of restriction, and change of routine while working within a comfortable and safe range for you. Stretching will not change the muscle length but will re-educate the nervous system through touch, myofascial release, and assisted movement to optimize your wellbeing.

If I Have A Medical Condition, Can You Still Stretch Me?

As long as there are no major contraindications such as a recent unstable fracture, absolutely. All the more reason to maintain your range of motion to maintain your mobility. If you are recently post-operative, we may contact your surgeon to ensure maintenance of any precautions you may have.  

General Questions

Do You Take Insurance?

CryoWellness Studio currently does not accept insurance, however, it may be covered by your Health Savings/Flexible Spending Accounts for non-aesthetic services, such as localized cryotherapy, assisted-stretching, and manual lymphatic drainage. CWS is exploring feasibility of accepting insurance for lymphedema related care in 2024. 

What Should I Wear?

Wear clothes you are comfortable to move in, typically athleisure wear, but may need to access more skin-to-skin contact for some offerings.

What Is Your Background?

I’ve always been drawn to movement and understanding anatomy. This lead to pursue education for a BS in Exercise Science from Iowa State and Doctorate in Physical Therapy from University of Iowa. I’ve been fortunate through my career to receive mentorship through numerous research projects I’ve participated in, in-services, colleagues, exposure to different ideas, certifications, and ongoing continuing education. My time in Chicago from 2009-2016 at Rush University Medical Center was the most transformative for me. Through my 15 years as a therapist, I found a lot of joy in helping people recover from catastrophic injuries and diagnosis at all levels of care and meeting people where they are. However, being a provider of care to COVID patients on ventilators and the death of my mom in 2022 dramatically shifted my perspective of healthcare and wellness to be more preventative than reactive. The offerings at CryoWellness Studio have been curated to reflect the pursuit of health and wellbeing without relying on medications or invasive procedures and removing barriers to be our best selves.

How Can This Help With Stress And Anxiety?

There can be an energy boost associated with localized cryotherapy due to release of hormones. Assisted-stretching and facial sculptural technique can both help with relaxation and release of emotions. The Reset can be a nervous system down regulator. The Sensate is also an innovative device to sooth your vagus nerve that is used within The Reset.  We are an affiliate to Sensate and have our code CryoWellnessStudio provides a 10% discount to purchase for home use.

How Can I Prepare For My Appointment?

For cryocontouring and cryotherapy, please arrive with clean dry skin, No moisturizer applied prior please. For stretching, wear clothes you are comfortable to move in. For all appointments, optimal hydration and movement will aide in all benefits with sessions.